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Our Technology Partners

Elo Touch System

Livewire is proud to be an Elo Elite Partner. Elo has been manufacturing touch screen products for over 40 years. As a partner, Livewire offers our software on a wide range of Elo computers ranging from 10″ tablets to 70″ interactive digital displays.


Zebra helps companies identify, locate and track assets, transactions and people with on-demand specialty digital printing and automatic identification solutions in more than 100 countries around the world. Livewire is a premier member of Zebra’s Partners First program.

Ingram Micro

Ingram Micro has connected technology solution providers with vendors worldwide by identifying markets and technologies that shape the IT industry.

Industry Partners

Kiosk Industry is a global, cause-based, not-for-profit organization focused on better self-service for customers and employees through kiosks and information technology (IT). Kiosk Industry Association leads efforts to optimize self-service engagements and engagement outcomes using information technology such as kiosks.

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